10 Mistakes Beginner Paddle Boarders Make - Shrewsbury Surf Shop - Wake2o

10 mistakes
paddle boarders make

So, you've decided to dip your toes into the exciting world of stand-up paddle boarding (SUP). Well, get ready for a thrilling adventure on the water! But before you paddle off into the sunset, let's talk about some common blunders that beginners often make. From wobbly stances to forgetting essential gear, we've got the lowdown on the top 10 mistakes that could turn your SUP experience from smooth sailing to an unexpected plunge.


Choosing the right paddle board size is crucial for stability and control. One common mistake is selecting a board that is too small or too large for you. A smaller paddle board may be unstable, while a larger SUP board can be challenging to manoeuvre. Opting for a board that matches your body weight and skill level ensures better balance on the water, reducing the chances of falling off and increasing overall stability.

The correct-sized paddle board is easier to manoeuvring and makes it simpler to navigate through various water conditions. Paddling efficiency is also better with the right-sized board, as you can get the proper positioning and leverage during strokes. If you are unsure on which size paddle board is best for you, check out our paddle board guide.


Gripping your paddle properly ensures better control and efficiency in your strokes. When you hold it with one hand on top of the handle and the other hand on the shaft, you get a solid grip that allows you to generate more power and paddle more effectively. It's not just about using your arms either; by engaging your core and rotating your torso while paddling, you can really get the most out of each stroke. Plus, holding the paddle correctly helps prevent unnecessary strain on your muscles, so you can keep going for longer without feeling exhausted. So, take a sec to get that grip right, and you'll be gliding through the water like a pro.


Standing in the centre of your paddleboard is crucial for several reasons. First and foremost, it ensures optimal balance and stability on your SUP. By positioning yourself in the middle, you distribute your weight evenly, preventing your paddle board from tilting or tipping over. This balance is especially vital when navigating rough waters or encountering waves. It also allows you to maintain better control over your paddle strokes and steering, enhancing your overall manoeuvrability. It also promotes proper body alignment, reducing the strain on your muscles and joints, and improving your paddling efficiency. Ultimately, standing in the centre of your paddle board provides a solid foundation for a safer and more enjoyable paddling experience, enabling you to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of the water and the serenity of the outdoors.


The are many reasons why going paddle boarding solo isn't the best idea, especially as a beginner. 

Firstly, having a companion or being part of a group ensures that there is someone to assist you in case of an emergency or if you encounter any difficulties on the water. They can provide help if you fall off your paddle board, experience fatigue, or face unexpected challenges such as strong currents or changing weather conditions. Additionally, paddleboarding with others enhances the overall safety aspect as you can look out for each other and raise an alarm if needed. Going paddleboarding with a friend or a group also adds an element of fun and camaraderie to the experience, allowing you to share the joy of exploration and create lasting memories together. Remember, safety should always be a priority, and having a companion by your side significantly reduces the potential risks associated with paddleboarding alone.


Under-inflating your stand-up paddleboard can be incredibly dangerous for several reasons. If your board is not properly inflated, it loses stability and becomes more prone to capsizing. This can be particularly hazardous in rough water conditions or when navigating through waves. Under Inflated blow up paddle boards will have less buoyancy, making it harder to maintain balance and control while paddling. This can lead to increased fatigue and a higher risk of falling off the board, potentially resulting in injuries. It is crucial to always ensure that your stand-up paddleboard is properly inflated to maximize safety and enjoy a secure and enjoyable paddling experience.

Mistakes That Beginner Paddle Boarders Make - Shop Paddle Board Pumps - Wake2o UK


Over-inflating your paddle board can lead to a variety of problems that can compromise both your safety and the performance of the board. One of the immediate concerns is decreased stability. When a paddle board is over-inflated, it becomes excessively rigid, resulting in a higher centre of gravity and reduced balance. This can make it more challenging to stay upright and manoeuvre the board effectively, especially in choppy or windy conditions. Over-inflation puts excessive strain on the seams and material of the board, increasing the risk of ruptures or blowouts. This can result in sudden deflation while on the water, leaving you stranded or potentially causing a dangerous situation.

It is important to follow the manufacturer's recommended pressure guidelines to ensure optimal performance, longevity, and most importantly, your safety while paddleboarding. Typically, you can find the recommended PSI level that your paddle boards needs by the valve.


One common mistake beginners make while paddle boarding is not wearing a buoyancy aid or personal flotation device (PFD). This oversight can have serious consequences. Paddleboarding requires a basic level of balance and skill, and even the most experienced paddlers can find themselves unexpectedly falling into the water. Without a buoyancy aid, you may struggle to stay afloat, especially if you are not confident swimmer. In the event of an emergency or if they become fatigued, having a buoyancy aid can be a lifesaver. It provides extra support and ensures that the individual remains buoyant, reducing the risk of drowning. Wearing a properly fitted PFD is a crucial safety precaution for all paddleboarders, regardless of their experience level, and should never be overlooked.


The valve pin on a blow up paddle board is designed to allow air in while preventing it from escaping when properly positioned. If the pin is not in the up position during inflation, the air can escape from the valve, causing the paddle board to deflate or not reach the desired level of inflation. This can affect the stability and performance of the paddleboard while out on the water, not to mention all the effort wasted from inflating it... To avoid this mistake, it is important for beginners to carefully read the instructions provided with their paddleboard and ensure that the valve pin is in the correct position while inflating the inflatable SUP.

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One of the crucial mistakes that beginners often make while paddle boarding is neglecting to check the weather conditions before heading out on the water. Failing to assess the weather can lead to hazardous situations and compromised safety. Unfavorable weather conditions such as strong winds, thunderstorms, or rough waters can make paddleboarding challenging and dangerous, especially for inexperienced paddlers. Strong winds can create powerful currents, making it difficult to paddle against or maintain control of the SUP board. Rough waters can result in large waves and unpredictable swells, increasing the likelihood of capsizing or falling off the board.

To avoid these dangers, beginners should always check the weather forecast and avoid paddleboarding in adverse conditions. It is essential to prioritize personal safety and choose calm and favourable weather conditions for an enjoyable paddle boarding experience.


One mistake that people often make when it comes to paddle boarding is storing their board in direct sunlight for extended periods. While it may seem harmless, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can have detrimental effects on the paddle board. UV rays from the sun can cause the SUP boards materials to degrade and weaken over time. This can lead to discolouration, warping, and even cracks in the board's surface. Additionally, excessive heat can cause the air inside an inflatable paddle board to expand, potentially leading to overinflation or damage to the seams. To preserve the longevity and performance of their paddleboard, beginners should store it in a shaded or cool area, away from direct sunlight when not in use. Another tip for if you're spending the day at the beach in the sun, is to let a little bit of air out of your board when it is just resting in the sun.


One common mistake beginners make while paddle boarding is constantly looking down at their feet or the board when paddling. This can hinder their balance, stability, and overall paddling experience. When beginners focus too much on looking down, their body posture tends to shift, causing them to lose their balance and potentially fall off the board. It also prevents them from keeping a forward gaze, which is essential for maintaining direction and avoiding obstacles in the water. By constantly looking down, paddle boarders miss out on enjoying the beautiful surroundings and fail to fully engage with their paddling technique. To overcome this mistake, beginners should practice keeping their heads up, looking forward towards the horizon, and developing a sense of balance and control by feeling the movement of the board beneath their feet. By doing so, they can improve their balance, paddle more effectively, and fully embrace the experience of paddleboarding.


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