Pantheon Supersonic Longboard - The Best LDP Longboard - Shrewsbury Skateboard Shop - Wake2oPantheon Supersonic Longboard - The Best LDP Longboard - Shrewsbury Skateboard Shop - Wake2o

Pantheon Supersonic

If you're a longboarding enthusiast or just starting your journey, the Pantheon Supersonic is a game-changer that promises to elevate your riding experience. Known for its superior design, unmatched performance, and cutting-edge technology, the Supersonic longboard is perfect for both casual cruisers and speed demons alike.

In this blog post, we'll break down the unique features that set the Pantheon Supersonic longboard apart from other longboards, including its lightweight construction, precision engineering, and sleek aesthetics.

Pantheon Supersonic Longboard Spec:
  • Board Length: 36.5"
  • Mounting Of Trucks: Top Mount
  • Thickness: 6-Ply, 7-Ply or XL 8-Ply
  • Colour: Black
  • Drop: Large Drop
  • Kicks: No Kick
  • Riding Style: LDP, Pumping
  • Construction Material: Bamboo or Maple
Pantheon Supersonic Longboard - The Best LDP Longboard - Shrewsbury Skateboard Shop - Wake2o

What Makes The Pantheon Supersonic Longboard Different?

For those already familiar with LDP (Long Distance Pumping) boards, let's highlight a few key features that set the Pantheon Supersonic LDP Longboard apart from any other deck in its class. First and foremost, this board has been meticulously designed around the most classic and readily available RKP (Reverse Kingpin) cast trucks. Pantheon's aim is to provide a high-functioning yet cost-effective setup that meets the demands of both novice and experienced riders.

The innovative geometry of the Supersonic LDP longboard allows you to effectively use Bear 130mm, 155mm, or Paris 150mm trucks. For optimal performance, consider using the 40-degree (Bear) or 43-degree (Paris) trucks in the back, and either the 50-degree or the 40/43-degree options in the front. Due to the similar base geometry of these trucks, the axle height difference between front and back will be minimal, about 1.5mm, regardless of the truck position. You can run the board without any riser with a 50-degree front up to 90mm wheels, though you may need to add a small riser when opting for a lower degree front truck, depending on wheel size. Both configurations deliver excellent performance.

While further customization is always possible, the stock setup of the Pantheon Supersonic LDP longboard is already highly effective straight out of the box, making it an exceptional starting point for a premium LDP setup.

The deck of the Supersonic features a mild camber between the drops and boasts incredibly tight curvature, essential for achieving the desired geometry. We’ve integrated mild versions of our crescent drops at all curvature points, including the down-curve of the de-wedged back end. This design not only enhances strength compared to previous boards but also allows us to control the board’s flex. The mellow concave ensures comfort over long distances, with subtle yet strong curves and no flat spots, resulting in an outstanding board feel.

Pantheon Supersonic Longboard - The Best LDP Longboard - Shrewsbury Skateboard Shop - Wake2o
The Supersonic's Design Explained

For LDP (Long Distance Pumping) riders seeking an optimized setup, a classic wedge front and de-wedge rear configuration is essential. This setup provides high-degree turning in the front and a stable, low-degree back end to generate power efficiently. The Pantheon Supersonic Longboard is designed with built-in angles that offer numerous riding options, making it a versatile choice for various riding styles.

The front of the Supersonic mounts at a positive 15 degrees, allowing a Bear or Paris 50-degree truck to run at 65 degrees. This high-angle setup, combined with soft bushings, facilitates easy pumping and a front-weighted ride, perfect for those who incorporate both pushing and pumping in their LDP sessions. For those seeking a slightly lower angle, a 40-45 degree truck will still provide efficient pumping while being more forgiving at high pushing speeds, resulting in a net angle of around 55-60 degrees.

The rear of the Pantheon Supersonic longboard offers even more customisation with two mounting options. Riders can choose the high, 40-degree angled wedge or the far rear -17 degree angled tail. The -17 degree rear is ideal for a lower degree cast truck, such as a Paris 43º or a Bear 40º, providing stability for high-speed pushing. Alternatively, the 40-degree rear wedge is designed for a flipped rear truck, achieving zero or near-zero degrees. This zero-degree rear option is incredibly stable for high-speed pushing and effective for top-end pumping speeds, though it requires more effort than the conventional -17 degree setup.

By understanding these unique features and configurations, riders can maximise their performance on the Pantheon Supersonic Longboard, making it a top choice for LDP enthusiasts looking to enhance their ride with superior stability and control.

Supersonic Bamboo vs Maple

Pantheon have recently brought out a bamboo version of the supersonic. After lots of testing, Pantheon expect the bamboo construction to be the ultimate future of this board.

Why Bamboo?

The reason Pantheon created a bamboo core on the Supersonic is because they wanted to get the flex right. While a normal maple ply is 1/16 of an inch in thickness, they can machine their bamboo cores to within 0.5mm tolerances. This allowed them to find and hone in on what they call the “medium flex” and to bring the multiple flex options together in closer increments. So, the “heavy flex” is less stiff than an 8 ply maple core, the “light flex” is a little stiffer than a 6 ply maple core, and the “medium flex” is just about in line with their 7 ply core maple Supersonic.

Additionally, Pantheon have been listening and wanted to offer a higher-end Supersonic model with more waterproofing elements so the deck lasts longer. Riders of the Supersonic are putting on A LOT of miles. The new Bamboo Supersonic will support as many or more miles, but it will keep your board looking stronger for longer. The glass top is more resistant than the former’s maple top, and the veneer bottom with glass right underneath satisfies their requirements of protecting the fiberglass from bumps and bruises on curbs or flicking up rocks, but provides a much longer lasting construction on the bottom ply so that the elements don’t get into that bottom layer of maple and break it down.

While the old all-maple Supersonic still has been lasting riders for thousands of miles, the elements will break down the dyed bottom veneer and cause it to look quite worn. Pantheon have not seen significant early failures, but they understand that this isn’t a great look, and it certainly doesn’t hurt to have a board where the bottom plies resist weathering. For riders truly logging tons of miles in all sorts of conditions, this is the better option.

Flex Options - Maple Supersonic


Pantheon believe the 6 ply option to be ideal for riders under 170 pounds. If you’re on the high end of this, it is recommended to pick this board ONLY if you’re intending to ride primarily on the zero degree rear option, and you want it to flex. You will likely need to be around 150 lbs or under to use the far rear option.


The Supersonic 7 ply option will be ideal for middleweight riders, around 160 to 210 lbs. This deck is effective on both mounting positions for LDP longboard riders in the lower ranges of this weight range. Up to around 200 pounds and beyond, riders should get this flex only with the zero degree rear mounting option. Keep in mind that riding style has a big component of flex. Riders that throw their body super hard into the board will flex the deck more. Less aggressive pumpers will likely be able to ride both mounting areas even if they’re above that 190-200 pound mark.

8-Ply XL

The Pantheon Supersonic 8 ply XL is not only thicker and stiffer, but it is also a touch wider than the 6 and 7 ply options. The max width on the XL is 9.5”, which is 0.3” wider than the more slender options. Pantheon are thinking about thi XL riders, and often times, these riders have larger feet.

Supersonic XL Versatility

The extra stiffness and width of this deck provide enhanced confidence and stability at higher speeds, making it great for more technical rides. While not designed as a speed-stiff board for true downhill, the 8-ply Supersonic is sufficiently stiff to handle most scenarios encountered on a distance ride. It still offers a subtle flex for riders over 170 lbs, ensuring a comfortable long-distance experience.

Lighter riders may notice a touch of camber underfoot, which may not completely flatten out when pushing in the middle of the deck. However, this slight camber is generally not uncomfortable for such rides. For those who prefer less camber, being on the upper end of the weight range can help. Overall, most LDP longboard riders will likely find the deck quite comfortable regardless of their weight.

Pantheon Supersonic Longboard - The Best LDP Longboard - Shrewsbury Skateboard Shop - Wake2o

For LDP riding, the 8-ply version is recommended for riders over 190 lbs, supporting up to around 250 lbs in both mounting positions. While it’s difficult to determine the absolute weight limit, in the zero-degree mounting position, the deck can certainly handle more weight than in the -17 rear position. Riders above 250 lbs should consider keeping the deck in the zero-degree mounting position for optimal performance.

The Pantheon Supersonic Longboard has been tested up to 285 lbs in the far rear mount. However, whether this works for you will depend largely on your riding style. This deck’s versatility and strength make it an excellent choice for middleweight riders looking to enhance their LDP longboarding experience with added stability, comfort, and control.

Flex Options - Bamboo Supersonic

Bamboo Light

The Bamboo light flex is ideal for riders under 170 lbs. You CAN ride this up to 190 pounds, but you’re going to have an easier time bottoming it out. Heavier riders are going to stress this board more, so this is something to keep in mind when riding. If you’re a rider who really wants to ride a flexible board, Pantheon recommend pairing the Bamboo light with risers and the Pantheon 102mm Hoku Wheels. That will get you off of the ground further and allow more space between the bottom of the board and the ground for the board to flex. The Bamboo light is not as flexible as the 6 ply maple + glass version of this deck. Pantheon wanted to tighten up the flex profiles so that they would be more usable for a greater number of riders. Consider the flex profile to be more akin to a 6 1/2 ply version of this deck, if you are familiar with the maple versions.

Bamboo Medium

The Bamboo medium is the standard. Equate the amount of flex on this board to be similar to the maple 7 ply version of this deck. This is the board that will work the best for the most amount of riders. Anyone between 150 and 210 pounds should be able to ride this board, and riders at the top of this limit should only choose this board if they want a lot of flex. Please note that the more you weigh, the more force you will put on these boards, so if you’re near its upper limit, consider how you manage dropping off of curbs, for example. Riders toward the bottom of this limit may choose this board for a more snappy flex and a little less sag. You can create more space between the board and the ground by adding risers and larger wheels like the Pantheon 102mm Hoku Wheels. Jeff, the owner/designer of Pantheon boards is 190 pounds and he ride the medium flex. The board has a comfortable flex under his weight.

Bamboo Heavy

The Bamboo heavy is stronger and stiffer than the medium flex. Riders up to about 240 lbs should be able to ride this deck flat with the Pantheon 92mm Karma wheels and a 50º truck up front (rear would be 40º or 43º based on current options). Heavier riders may be able to get away with riding this deck by compensating with larger wheels and some risers to create more space between the ground and the low point on the board. This deck is not as stiff as the 8 ply maple / glass version. Consider it more like a 7 1/2 ply, if you are familiar with the Pantheon maple Supersonic versions of this deck. If you’re above 230 lbs, you may start to consider the 8 ply maple version of this deck, as it is a bit stiffer and will still be able to hold your weight without any fear of failure. OR if you just want a stiffer setup, the 8 ply is still available–until it’s not!

Pantheon Supersonic Longboard - The Best LDP Longboard - Shrewsbury Skateboard Shop - Wake2o
Recommended Setups

The Pantheon Supersonic is available with 3 different truck options. The deck has been designed specifically with Bear Trucks or Paris Trucks in mind. You can certainly use whatever setup you want to your liking. Setting up outside of the recommended setups may require risers or angled risers. This will depend on your truck choice and the angles of your baseplate. You’ll want to consider your wheel choice in correspondence with your trucks to keep your setup from getting bite.

The stock setups with 50 degree fronts are your safest choice. With the 50 degree front (Paris or Bear), you should be able to run bite free up to 90mm wheels. This is as long as you have a stock cupped washer in the board-side position of your bushings. Once you start bringing down that front degree, wheelbite can start coming into play for the larger wheel option. This can be easily mitigated with risers and/or bushing and washer modifications.

We recommend 50 degree front trucks for most riders using the Supersonic LDP longboard for long distance riding and pumping. This will push the pump power toward the front of the board and make pumping more effortless.

For riders looking to max our their top speed, dropping the front angle may be considered. This can be combined with zeroing out the rear truck angle. Ultimately, between riding a 50 front or a 43/40 front for maximum pumping speed will come down to riding style. It is worth noting that a the lower degree front does feel a little more stable when pushing absolute maximum speed. Riders just looking to leisurely cover large distances will appreciate the efficiency of the higher degree front end.


The inherent geometry of the Pantheon Supersonic LDP longboard will allow you to run Bear 130mm, 155mm or Paris 150mm effectively.

You’ll want either the 40° (Bear) or 43° (Paris) at the back, and either the 50° or the 40/43° in front.

Because of the very similar base geometry of these trucks, they will run within about 1.5mm axle height from front to back regardless of which truck position you use, WITHOUT RISER up to 90mm wheels if using a 50° front truck.

Any further tinkering is certainly welcome, but this is an incredible starting point for a top of the line LDP longboard setup, with the stock setups already being super effective right out of the box.